Review: One Dark Throne by Kendare Blake


The battle for the crown has begun, but which of the three sisters will prevail?

With the unforgettable events of the Quickening behind them and the Ascension Year underway, all bets are off.

Katharine, once the weak and feeble sister, is stronger than ever before. Arsinoe, after discovering the truth about her powers, must figure out how to make her secret talent work in her favor without anyone finding out. And Mirabella, once thought to be the strongest sister of all and the certain Queen Crowned, faces attacks like never before—ones that put those around her in danger she can’t seem to prevent.


Can I just say…. WOW! This book kept me on my toes from the beginning until the end. Going into the book, I wasn’t expecting any more or less from the first book (Three Dark Crowns). I wasn’t really invested in the first book until the end and was assuming that One Dark Throne would be the same way and I would be forcing myself to read it. However, the COMPLETE opposite happened.

Let’s talk about the characters:

I felt as though the majority of the books chapters were focused on the perspective of Arsinoe and Katherine. I didn’t mind this because they are both of my favorite characters. I do have to say though that towards the middle and end, Katherine was kind of creeping me out…. But, that made reading from her perspective so much more exciting.

Maribella was my least favorite sister in both Three Dark Crowns and One Dark Throne. For some reason, which I can’t quite put my finger on, I am not too thrilled with her personality. She seems whiny and spoiled, with really no character development when compared to her sisters.

Jules made the book two times more exciting!!! What we find out about her in this book and where she ends up, sets up so much for the next book and left me wanting more. She is a faithful and courageous friend, which is something I admire especially in context with the rest of book (cheating, killing, and pushing people into the Breccia Domain… I mean, come on).

Now let’s talk about the plot:

The intensity of this book was amped up to 100 in this installment of the series. From start to end, there was a constant push of the story line with nothing feeling as though it was dragging on or not flowing with the story.

I will forever love the matriarchal society. I caught myself automatically assuming a commander in the book was male until it was mentioned half a page later that it was a woman and I was just like WOW…. I can’t believe how other books have conditioned me to assume that those of high ranking and powerful positions are men!! And of course, we can’t forget the fact that the island is ruled by queens and every powerful character is usually A STRONG INDEPENDENT WOMAN (ex: Jules, Natalia, Maribella, etc).


Kendare Blake definitely did not disappoint, resolving side plots that were brought over from Three Dark Crowns and introducing new and interesting story lines. I cannot wait until the third book of this series is published (expected date: September 4th, 2018)!!


5 out of 5 stars

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